Housing Tenants Contact Number - 01245204871
Head Office - 01245 381900
Head Office - 01245 381900
Employers are legally required to provide all employees with training, instruction and information about fire precautions and prevention in the workplace. To ensure your compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, we offer a range of training courses to meet your needs.
If you would like to find out more about any of Environtec’s services, please get in touch. With offices and laboratories across the UK, we can help you wherever you are located.
T: 01245 381900
E: enquiries@environtec.com
As a minimum, employees need fire safety training during induction and should have a refresher at least once a year. This ensures they remain familiar with your fire safety arrangements.
If you have a high staff turnover, or there’s a higher than normal risk of fire, or employees are responsible for the safety of visitors or vulnerable people, you should arrange more frequent training.
Our courses can be delivered at your premises or chosen venue. As an alternative, we also offer online courses. Certification will be provided on completion of the course.
To find out more about our training, contact Environtec’s Fire Department today on 01245 381900.
To comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, employers must provide all employees with adequate fire safety training when they are first employed and at regular intervals from then on.
This training will include suitable instruction on the appropriate precautions and actions an employee needs to take to safeguard themselves and others.
Environtec’s course covers what to do in the event of a fire, how to prevent a fire from happening and gives hands-on experience of using a fire extinguisher.
Course content
Giving delegates the knowledge to reduce the risk of fire in the workplace and provide them with a clear understanding of:
What to do after discovering a fire
How to raise the alarm
What to do when a fire alarm sounds
Who needs to call the emergency services
Where extinguishers and escape routes can be found
Understanding different extinguishers, their capabilities, limitations and methods of operation
Dealing with at-risk persons and evacuation procedures
Understanding the legislative requirements for fire training in the UK.
Explaining the chemistry of fire.
Understanding the main causes of fire and practical tips to reduce the risk of fire breaking out.
Understanding different extinguishers, their capabilities, limitations and methods of operation
This session provides each delegate with the opportunity to handle and operate various types of fire extinguishers.
To comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you must have enough competent people to implement your emergency plan.
All staff identified in your emergency plan as having a supervisory role if a fire occurs (i.e. heads of department, fire marshals or fire wardens) should be given details of your Fire Risk Assessment and receive more comprehensive training.
Environtec’s course gives your delegates detailed knowledge of how to prevent a fire from happening. It also gives them a clear understanding of their responsibilities, duties and role as a fire warden or marshal, as well as of what to do in the event of a fire. Covering both theoretical and practical implications, this training will enable delegates to undertake an efficient and orderly evacuation of their building in an emergency.
Course Content
Considering evacuation issues and any site-specific arrangements, such as the evacuation of disabled people or those with mobility issues.
Understanding legislative requirements for fire training in the UK.
Explaining the chemistry of fire.
How to identify fire risk and put in place preventative measures
How to raise the alarm
What actions to take on discovering a fire
What actions to take on hearing the fire alarm
Calling the emergency services
How to deal with disabled persons and evacuation procedure
Human behaviour – having an appreciation of how people can react in a fire situation
Understanding the main causes of fire and practical tips to reduce the risk of fire breaking out.
Understanding different extinguishers, their capabilities, limitations and methods of operation
This session provides each delegate with the opportunity to handle and operate various types of fire extinguishers
Environtec Ltd is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 0197) and inspection body (No. 2030).
Environtec is only UKAS accredited for Asbestos Inspection and Testing (excluding Soil Testing & Analysis)