Housing Tenants Contact Number - 01245204871
Head Office - 01245 381900
Head Office - 01245 381900
Asbestos can be found in a huge variety of materials. The only way to know for sure whether a material contains asbestos is to test it. That’s where our bulk testing and analysis can help you
If you would like to find out more about any of Environtec’s services, please get in touch. With offices and laboratories across the UK, we can help you wherever you are located.
T: 01245 381900
E: enquiries@environtec.com
Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis – to test a range of materials for asbestos
Water Absorption Testing – a cost-effective method of detecting asbestos in insulating type boards
Environtec’s bulk analysis services are UKAS accredited and conform to ISO17025, meaning you can rely on our results. All test are carried out by fully qualified staff and comply with HSE guidance, including HSG248 The Analysts’ Guide.
When your bulk samples have been analysed, we provide you with results in a formal Asbestos Fibre Identification (AFI) report. You can access this report and related certificates via our dedicated Asbestos Management Portal. If you have used our drop-in service, we can issue these in person.
Finally, when you have a high volume of samples or you need results quickly, we can help. Simply ask us for more details.
To book a bulk analysis test, contact us today.
Environtec Ltd is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 0197) and inspection body (No. 2030).
Environtec is only UKAS accredited for Asbestos Inspection and Testing (excluding Soil Testing & Analysis)