Housing Tenants Contact Number - 01245204871
Head Office - 01245 381900
Head Office - 01245 381900
If you would like to find out more about any of Environtec’s services, please get in touch. With offices and laboratories across the UK, we can help you wherever you are located.
T: 01245 381900
E: enquiries@environtec.com
We’re delighted to confirm that all five of our offices maintained their Category 1 status in RICE Round 123.
Regular Inter-laboratory Counting Exchanges (RICE) is a proficiency scheme managed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and is intended to assess and improve the performance of laboratories carrying out air monitoring for asbestos fibres. Laboratories in the UK offering air monitoring as a service are required to participate in the RICE scheme to gain accreditation from UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service).
Each of our five offices (Head Office, South West, Central, North East and Scotland) are required to count separate batches of RICE slides three times per year. The reference values of these slides are then compared to the counts, and categorised A, B or C.
Category 1 status is achieved when 75% or more of an offices submitted counts fall into Band A.
In Rice Round 123, all of our offices managed to meet this criteria to maintain their category 1 status. Our South West office deserves a special mention as 100% of the counts submitted by their analysts fell into Band A, which is a fantastic achievement.
It really highlights the experience of our asbestos consultants, and is a great way to show customers the accuracy of our asbestos testing across the UK.
As well as air sampling, we can help with asbestos matters from consultancy and training, to audits, management surveys, and project managing the safe removal of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) from sites. Learn more about our asbestos services.
Environtec Ltd is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 0197) and inspection body (No. 2030).
Environtec is only UKAS accredited for Asbestos Inspection and Testing (excluding Soil Testing & Analysis)